There are traditional restaurants and ethnic eateries that one will remember after the first bite. Some of them will stick with you because of their exquisite cooking skills and dishes – that never tasted this good before.
For instance, a lot of people don’t like fish but they are having second thoughts after trying “kečiga na talandari” (Sterlet in a pan). While the fish is frying on this specific type of pan and its skin gets brown smelling delicious, you will be impatient to bite off the tip of its crunchy tail.
Lamb and veal are frequently prepared and eaten throughout Serbia. Lamb can be cooked in an oven with potatoes and other vegetables and we prefer veal prepared under the bell. They both melt in our mouths rich in flavor which experienced housewives know how to preserve.
If you like hearty breakfasts, try “komplet lepinja” (complete bun). When its soft inside is soaked up with eggs, kajmak, and “pretop” (grilled meat sauce) and its crust crunches in your mouth, you will remember all those lovely summers you spent in the country.
When Leskovac is mentioned, Serbian people often think of “pljeskavica” (Serbian type of burger). After the first bite, it will be clear why it can’t be compared to regular burgers you can find anywhere else in the world.