Even though there are lots of ethno villages in Serbia, eco settlements are not that frequent. Stay in one of these villages that are renowned for being built out of natural materials while preserving the environment and give your contribution to sustainable tourism.
Take the Kedar Village on Goč Mountain as an example. Its cottages are built with cedar, a conifer wood with a specific smell that benefits human health. Their design is modern with all the facilities one might need. As soon as you come in, you will have a sense of being deep in the woods, with no noise, and stress-free.
If you go to Koštunići on the southern slope of Suvobor, you will find a bio-food factory that only uses local produce. Enjoy its fruit rakijas, honey, dried plums and mushrooms, and various jams.
Vraneša is another eco-village with a beautiful view of Zlatar Lake. It is built with black pine wood and stone that are found in the area. Try local dishes at the traditional restaurant by the fireplace and have some crisp clear water from the eco-village spring.