No obstacles
One of the beauties of street art is that it is clearly visible and accessible. Still, not to everyone. The blind and visually impaired cannot feel and touch it everywhere. This fall in Belgrade, “Art in Passage”, following the example of world cities, is removing obstacles and erasing restrictions. 3D models of murals for the blind have been set up in the inner courtyard of the Puž Theater. Thus, this form of street art became available to a wider audience.
The goal of the project is to bring street art closer to blind and partially sighted people so that they can get to know works of art on the streets of the capital through touch. Exactly that – tourism, vacation and art without obstacles is the goal of the campaign that will soon be launched by the National Tourism Organization of Serbia (NTOS) and the Commissioner for Protection of Equality.
As the first step, additional space has been created on the NTOS website where people with disabilities will be informed about new offers, accommodation facilities and programs available to all guests without exception. An opportunity to praise those to whom equality is one of the main premises in their work, and motivation for others to make their services available to everyone.