The LILALO Festival in Loznica blends tradition and contemporary youth creativity, bringing a special charm to the local culture. Dedicated to the traditional custom of lilanje, held every year during the Petrovdanske holidays, the festival celebrates this ancient ritual of lighting lila—the bark of young cherry or birch trees—aimed at dispelling evil spirits with its light. In addition to preserving cultural heritage, LILALO offers a rich music and performing arts program, including concerts, theater performances, ethno markets, exhibitions, and interactive workshops, making it a unique event that connects the past with the present and attracts visitors from all over.

Ljubičevo Equestrian Games
On the first weekend in September every year, thousands of people come to the city of Požarevac to attend the largest celebration of equestrian sports in Serbia – the Ljubičevo Equestrian Games. The city’s racetrack holds harness races and flat races, as well as jump races. There is also a performance by young acrobats who perform equestrian vaulting “stunts”.The most attractive part of the programme is the all-round competition, in which participants compete in five disciplines – mace throwing, archery, spear throwing and sabre competitions.

Mowing on Rajac
The Kosidba na Rajcu (Mowing on Rajac) is a traditional event that has been celebrating the skill of manual grass mowing on the gentle slopes of Mount Rajac for decades. Every July, mowers from across Serbia and the world gather to compete and showcase their expertise, while visitors enjoy the authentic atmosphere and folk customs. In addition to the competition, the program offers rich ethno content, traditional music, dances, and tastings of local specialties. The Kosidba na Rajcu is not just a competition but a true festival of folk spirit and an opportunity to revive old customs while enjoying unspoiled nature.

Vuk's Gathering in Tršić
The Vuk’s Gathering in Tršić is the oldest cultural event in Serbia, dedicated to the great reformer of the Serbian language, Vuk Stefanović Karadžić. Held every year in September in his birthplace, Tršić, it gathers numerous admirers of Serbian culture and tradition. The gathering offers a diverse program, including theater performances, literary evenings, folklore shows, exhibitions, and workshops, bringing to life the spirit of Vuk’s era and preserving the linguistic and cultural heritage of Serbia. This event is a true celebration of the Serbian language and culture, attracting visitors from all over the country and abroad.