Art Nouveau, geç neo-klasik veya geleneksel çizgiler taşıyan sinagoglar arasında Viyana ve Peşte’li mimarların etkisi açıkça görülüyor. Dış görünüşte değişen formlar, içeride inancın sadeliğini ve özünü yansıtıyor.
Subotica, Belgrad, Novi Sad ve Niš’teki sinagoglar mutlaka görülmeli. Birçoğu bugün kültürel etkinliklere de ev sahipliği yapıyor. Yahudi toplumu tarih boyunca pek çok zorlukla karşılaşsa da gelenekleri, sanatı ve diniyle Sırbistan’ın kültür mirasına önemli katkılarda bulundu. Bu eşsiz yapılarda geçmişe doğru keyifli bir keşif yolculuğuna çıkabilirsiniz.

Sukat Shalom Synagogue, Belgrade, 20th century
Sukat Shalom, the “shelter of peace”, the synagogue of the Jewish community of Belgrade, was built in 1925 and today is the only temple in Belgrade and in Serbia.

Synagogue, Novi Sad, 20th century
One of the largest synagogues in this part of Europe is located in Novi Sad. It was built in 1909 in the art nouveau style. Today it represents a cultural and historical entity of great importance.

Synagogue, Subotica, 20th century
The synagogue in Subotica, built in 1902 in the Art Nouveau style, has retained its sacred purpose. It is characterised by bold and for that time modern architectural solutions and stained glass decorations.

Synagoge, Niš, 20. Jh.
After the mass exodus of Jews in the Second World War, Niš was practically left without members of this religious community, and the synagogue in Niš was without its believers. In order to save the synagogue from further deterioration, it received another purpose and became a “temple of culture”.