Open heart Belgrade

The cordiality we are proud of continues to adorn tourist destinations in Serbia in 2022. On January 1,  the citizens of Belgrade and the organizers of the Open Heart Street event traditionally warmly welcomed the New Year and all the visitors.

We stepped into another Open Heart Street cheerfully, in accordance with the festive season, responsibly, as the circumstances demand, and charitably, to which we have become accustomed by this manifestation. After a ceremonial welcome at several locations in the capital, the morning of January 1 was an ideal opportunity, to sum up the impressions, meet friends, walk the well-known route and enjoy the homely atmosphere that Belgrade offers every year at this time.

As they are used to, at noon on the first day of the New Year, the visitors were able to walk down Svetogorska and Makedonska streets and enjoy various programs. Following the example of this tradition, Open Heart Streets were organized in all municipalities. The youngsters were entertained by jugglers, acrobats, and magicians.

Probably the loudest part of the year has passed with New Year’s Eve. It is time to enjoy the somewhat quieter Belgrade days and nights.

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