If you are interested in wine tasting mixed with art, come to Zemun Wine Salon on May 13. This will be a genuine cultural-hedonistic experience that you haven’t seen before. Find out what wine tastes like when an opera house welcomes dozens of vineries and worshipers of a drink of gods.

vina vinograd

Levač Wine Fest is another festival not to be missed. You will try quality wines from local wineries and visit Rekovac at the same time. Grab a chance to see this lovely Šumadija town.

When talking about lovely sites, we should mention that organizers decided to turn the popular Palić Lake into a wine destination on May 27. The first wine salon WineSU ever held on Subotica territory will welcome 45 domestic and foreign exhibitors. Nevertheless, there will also be plenty of chocolate and dried meat to try along with workshops in Serbian and Hungarian.

Given that Subotica is only 9 km from Palić, plan on staying for a couple of days so that you can stroll around the city and admire some fine examples of the Hungarian secession architectural style.

vinograd groždje

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