From the rich tourist offer of Belgrade, its museums stand out as indispensable stops for numerous guests. For those who don’t like classical art, but want to complement their trip with creative content, the right address is alternative museums.
In one of them you’ll edible and sweet exhibits. The Museum of Chocolate reveals to visitors how this delicacy was brought to our land, how it became a favorite sweet, how it is made and consumed, and what are its medicinal properties. Chocolate lovers will also learn the story of Olga- the first chocolate that was produced in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
In Belgrade, there is also a museum in Belgrade to which bringing a camera is a must. In the Museum of Illusions, you’ll want to record everything you don’t believe your own eyes. You can play a game of chess with your five clones or serve someone’s head on a plate. Getting lost in an infinite room or taking pictures in all the impossible poses. After visiting this museum you will understand why your eyes see things that the brain does not realize.
The Car Museum is located in the first public garage in Belgrade, built almost a century ago. The collection contains fifty vehicles, the oldest of which is Maro Gardon from 1897. The setting reminds us that the car is a creation that contains all the inventions of mankind – from fire and the wheel to modern microprocessors. In addition to vehicles, visitors can see the first driver’s licenses, license plates, film footage and photographs that contribute to the study of the history of motoring.