Statistics show that the summer months are the riskiest for all traffic participants. A large number of vehicles on the roads, many kilometers on the wheels and the neglect of fatigue are some of the causes of road accidents. That is why the National Tourism Organization of Serbia and the Road Traffic Safety Agency are launching a joint campaign: «Take a break, experience Serbia.»

In the first minutes of their stay in our country, tourists will receive information and warnings when it comes to traffic, but also recommendations on where they can stop and rest and which parts of Serbia to get to know better. The application «Serbia Audio Guide», with a reminder of road safety, will guide them through the tourist offer of Serbia. Along the way on rest areas, billboards and on social networks, they will be able to get acquainted with the risks of driving without full concentration.
When thinking about a vacation, it is important for us to arrive as soon as possible, to use every moment and to stay at the destination as long as possible. This summer, we remind you that the most important thing is to drive and arrive safely. After that, a carefree and contentful vacation will not be missed.
Take a break and experience Serbia!