Planet Earth Day

Planet Earth Day is to be celebrated on April 22 when we try to raise the environmental awareness of nature preservation throughout the world. Some municipalities in Serbia are planning on joining the efforts in accordance with the current pandemic restrictions. This is also the opportunity to remind the public of our natural treasures such as the Special Nature Reserve Gornje Podunavlje that is home to 51 mammal species, 248 bird species, 50 fish species, 60 species of daily butterflies, and 1,000 plant species.

This is the biggest preserved area of a wetland in Serbia on Danube’s left bank. It comprises two large marshes, Monoštorski Rit and Apatinski Rit. Gornje Podunavlje is part of the large biosphere reserve of Bačko Podunavlje, and it is included in the UNESCO “Men and Biosphere” list in 2017.

The reserve is situated 190 km from Belgrade, 105 from Novi Sad, and 15 from Sombor.

More about Gornje Podunavlje: 

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