New professions have joined the group of travelers who can work and enjoy themselves outside the place of residence. Translators, online instructors, web designers, text writers for various portals and media, online advisors and professors, fitness trainers, consultants…
The office, as we have learned, does not have to be static, in one place, with solid walls. If we can take work with us, we can also move the office, arrange it to our liking, move it to the mountain, the riverbank, to the heart of the metropolis.
We have also learned that Serbia can be a good place for an office, and for a good time after work.

Villages with digital potential
In every part of Serbia, you will encounter a welcome from the Serbian hosts. Those who are involved in rural tourism believe that working in a rural environment is good for inspiration, concentration, while the delicacies you can try in such households will undoubtedly spark your work energy and enthusiasm.
A rooster instead of an alarm clock, the shade of a plum instead of an air conditioner, the sounds of crickets and birds instead of the noise and panic of colleagues – that is a workspace provided by an open village office.
Photo: Mokrin House

Healing properties of the workplace
Some types of work, as we often say, make us feel we need recovery in the spa once we finish them. Now you can find out that spa air and healing water will encourage you to new business achievements. Hotel or accommodation in private apartments in spas in Serbia, also offers packages to “digital nomads”.
Do not separate work from pleasure, that is the advice of those who suggest that you place your office on a hot water source. Use your working time to recover from work obligations.

Office in the mountain
If you choose to accommodate your office at one of the mountains in Serbia, you do not have to wait for the weekend for an active time in nature, hiking, cycling or walking in nature. The advantages of “work from the mountain” include, among other things, the fact that your office will have a beautiful view, no matter if you place it in a hotel room, mountain house or an apartment. The fresh mountain air will clear your mind, refresh your ideas and make your obligations easier.
If you opt for hotel accommodation, you can devote a part of the working hours, and definitely your free time to spa treatments, massages, or merely staying by the poolside…
If you feel you need other people around or start longing for a good time, you can very quickly go down to the nearest town and have slightly different entertainment.