In 2012 alone, about 40 “Coworking & Coliving” spaces were opened in Serbia, and that number is growing year by year.
Аpart from Belgrade, which has already won a place among the top ten favourite destinations for nomads with its potentials, some other areas in Serbia also have experience with this type of work tourism. In 2012 alone, about 40 “Coworking & Coliving” spaces were opened in Serbia, and that number is growing year by year. One of them is “Mokrin House”, which is also called the house of creative ideas and a gathering site for those who believe that freedom in the modern way of doing business is limitless and that it can be found anywhere in the world. Thanks to this business philosophy, “Mokrin House” is on the Forbes list of the best coliving spaces in the world for digital nomads. The positive experiences of those who worked and stayed in Mokrin can be a turning point for anyone who still doubts whether this concept is the right choice for them.

Rural HUB is unique in its organization of work since the entire village is a hub and services of accommodation, food and cultural and tourist content are obtained directly from the local residents in order to directly encourage the development of the local community.
A similar philosophy, but in a slightly different environment, is being developed by the rural hub in the village of Vrmdža. During the decade of existence, this hub has been recognized as a place of creation, development and support. It welcomes everyone who seeks support to define the way to accomplish an idea or a project, everyone who wants to be in contact with oneself and nature and fulfil their working hours in such harmony.
Rural HUB is unique in its organization of work since the entire village is a hub and services of accommodation, food and cultural and tourist content are obtained directly from the local residents in order to directly encourage the development of the local community.
Hubs that are members of the “Coworking Associations of Serbia”, such as Zaječar Hub, or those in Mali Iđoš, Novi Pazar, Kragujevac, Niš, etc. promote the same goal: the development of entrepreneurship and youth employment through various activities, conferences, education, promotional campaigns.

With the use of space on a daily or weekly basis, the hubs provide the possibility of constant communication with people of similar interests, constant exchange of experiences and a sense of work without physical barriers and boundaries.
Thus, considering the existing experience of hubs with the current increasingly widespread demand for the relocation of workspace, Serbia provides numerous opportunities for the development of a new tourist product. It is up to you only to choose the place where you would like to place your office, and it is up to us to arrange it so that your work, and especially your free time, is meaningful and of high quality.
With the use of space on a daily or weekly basis, the hubs provide the possibility of constant communication with people of similar interests, constant exchange of experiences and a sense of work without physical barriers and boundaries.