Thanks to its delicate balance of forested areas and vast meadows, maintained ski slopes, hiking trails and cycling routes, Zlatibor has evolved into a major tourist resort, attracting thousands of Serbian and international visitors both during the winter and in the summer season.This mountain resort with the longest tradition of tourism in Serbia was opened to visitors back in 1893, when it was visited by Serbian King Aleksandar Obrenović.The mountain is also the venue of many congresses,...
Whichever nature park in Serbia you choose to visit, it will have its own unique story to tell you.In Northern Serbia time seems to slow to a more leisurely pace – particularly when you relax on the shores of Lake Palić to enjoy freshly caught local fish and homemade wine.In the west of the country, the history of the region is closely intertwined with nature. Mokra gora mountain is known for its narrow-gauge heritage railway line, the Šargan Eight and the increasingly popular ethno...
Spend a pleasant and active holiday on one of Serbia’s most beautiful mountains. Its clean and dry air, with low air pressure and strong sunshine, is beneficial for the whole body and has had solid results in the treatment of thyroid disorders.Treatment of metabolic disorders is available at Čigota medical centre, where education, fresh food and light physical activity will help you develop and nurture a healthier lifestyle.Thanks to its climate and long sunshine hours, Zlatibor is a favou...
Serbian mountains are a paradise for winter sport enthusiasts. Here, you will find everything, from skiing to snowboarding to Nordic skiing! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skier, Serbia’s ski slopes have something for everyone. Ski resorts on Serbia’s mountains feature impeccably maintained ski slopes. The greatest tourist magnet are the slopes with floodlights for night skiing – a magical and unforgettable experience.For children and complete beginners, the ...
Western Serbia is known for its mountains that offer your family plenty of opportunities for rest and recreation throughout the year. This is the reason families from all over the world choose the modern ski centre of Zlatibor Mountain. Tornik, the ski centre in Zlatibor, is an ideal place to get together with your children and enjoy winter activities such as skiing and sledding. In the winter you can make use of the ski lift for skiing and snowboarding, in the warmer months you can take a trip ...
Rakija is the most treasured of all spirits in Serbia. This sharp-flavoured drink is indispensable on almost every dining table in the country. It goes perfectly with both traditional and modern dishes, and nothing will warm you up in the winter quite as well as a cup of some good “Šumadija Tea” – rakija boiled with water and caramelised sugar. As an inherent part of any festive occasion, rakija is also a beverage with which hosts welcome their guests and send them on th...
The mountains and gorges of Western Serbia are a true oasis of tranquillity and harmony. Here you can rest in the traditional wooden houses called “vajat” and log cabins, hike along mountain ranges or sail down rivers through deep canyons which stun visitors with their beauty.Walk around the raspberry farms of the Arilje region and pick the famous fruit that is exported all over the globe. Step into the thick plum orchards near Osečina or discover one of the many ethno villages scatt...
Influences coming from the neighbouring nations have contributed to the diversity and richness of Serbian gastronomy. Each region of Serbia is famous for its local specialties, some of which are so popular and tasty that major culinary festivals have been created to honour them.Visiting one of these culinary events is the best way to get to know Serbian cuisine inside-out. Come and taste the best food Serbia has to offer, while enjoying the merry and relaxed festival atmosphere. Pirot Flattened ...
Sırbistan’ı birçok kişi Belgrad’dan ibaret sanıyor. Oysaki Belgrad yalnızca ülkedeki güzel şehirlerden biri. Ülkenin diğer şehirleri de çok güzel, onları gezmek de çok keyifli. Eğer Sırbistan’a gidecekseniz yalnızca Belgrad odaklı bir program yapmayın. Ülkenin bilinmeyen güzelliklerini, turistik rotalarını keşfedin ve inanılmaz keyifli bir tatile yol alın. Şimdi sizlere huzur dolu doğasından büyüleyici şehirlerine, a...
Szerbia hallatán a legtöbb embernek automatikusan Belgrád jut eszébe. Ugyan Belgrád valóban egy igazán egyedülálló gyöngyszem, ez az ország még számos gyönyörű helyet rejteget. Belgrádon túl is van mit felfedezni: induljon el a népszerű turistautakon és térjen le róluk, fedezze fel a kevésbé ismert helyeket, és húzza ki bakanc...
Sırbistan’ı birçok kişi Belgrad’dan ibaret sanıyor. Oysa ki Belgrad yalnızca ülkedeki güzel şehirlerden biri. Ülkenin diğer şehirleri de çok güzel, onları gezmek de çok keyifli. Eğer Sırbistan’a gidecekseniz yalnızca Belgrad odaklı bir program yapmayın. Ülkenin bilinmeyen güzelliklerini, turistik rotalarını keşfedin ve inanılmaz keyifli bir tatile yol alın. Şimdi sizlere huzur dolu doğasından büyüleyici şehirlerine, ...
În momentul în care vine vorba de Serbia, majoritatea oamenilor se gândesc în mod automat la Belgrad. Cu toate că Belgradul este o adevărată bijuterie, această țară are multe alte locuri frumoase care merită vizitate. Vizitați mai mult decât Belgradul, alegeți traseele turistice populare, apoi renunțați la acestea, explorați-le pe cele mai puțin cunoscute și vizitați unele dintre cele mai frumoase și interesante destinații pe care le-ați văzut vreodată. De la...
Pristen. Edinstven. Neponovljiv. Zamižite in si predstavljajte kraj, kjer je: Hrana izraz ljubezni. Pijača eksplozija okusov. Pokrajina pravljična. Smučanje strast. Termalna voda blagodejna. Storitev vrhunska. Dejavnost brezkončna. Praznična zabava nepozabna. Potopite se v zabavo Karizmatičen in zapeljiv, Beograd očara s svojo neustavljivo lahkotnostjo obstoja, bogato zgodovino, impresivno arhitekturo, neverjetno hrano in znanim nočnim življenjem. Uro severneje, Novi Sad de...
Ko pridete na Zlatibor, vas čaka nepozabno doživetje: eno najbolj priljubljenih turističnih destinacij v Srbiji boste videli z najdaljše panoramske gondole na svetu. Ta vrsta ogleda je posebna, saj ponuja odličen razgled od zgoraj. Čeprav je doživetje Zlatiborja vedno nekaj posebnega ne glede na to, ali planino obiščete po pešpoteh, na smučeh ali obiščete vasi, boste ob vožnji z Gold gondolo imeli priložnost spoznati goro z drugega zornega kota. Vožnja nad prelepi...
Srbija se lahko pohvali z več zanimivimi glampingi, ki jih ne boste našli nikjer drugje. Ta posebni način glamuroznega kampiranja, od koder tudi izvira ime, si lahko privoščite na Fruški gori, Zlatiborju ali v Bezdanu, Čačku in Zasavici. Zakaj bi se morali odpovedati luksuzu, če želimo preživeti čas v naravi, je res? Udobje hotela s petimi zvezdicami je zdaj blizu narave, današnji turisti pa vse pogosteje izbirajo udobje, ki jih ne sili v vlogo opazovalcev, temveč ...
Кога ќе дојдете на Златибор ве очекува незаборавно искуство: една од најпопуларните туристички дестинации во Србија и тоа со најдолгата панорамска гондола во светот. Ваквото разгледување е специфично затоа што овозможува одличен поглед одозгора. Иако доживувањето на Златибор е секогаш посебно, без оглед на тоа дали планината ја минувате преку пешачките патеки, на скии или, пак, ги посетувате селските населби, кога ќе тргнете со „златната“ гондола ќе имате прилика да ја запознаете пл...
Когато дойдете в Златибор, ви очаква незабравимо преживяване – ще имате поглед над една от най-популярните туристически дестинации в Сърбия, от най-дългия панорамен кабинков лифт в света. Този тип разглеждане на забележителности е специфичен, защото предлага страхотна гледка отвисоко. Въпреки, че изживяването в Златибор винаги е специално, без значение дали обикаляте планината по пешеходни пътеки, със ски или посещавате селата, когато се качите на лифта „Златна гондола“, ще им...
Când ajungeți în Zlatibor, vă așteaptă o experiență de neuitat: veți vedea una dintre cele mai populare destinații turistice din Serbia, de pe cea mai lungă telegondolă panoramică din lume. Acest mod de a vizita orașul este ceva cu adevărat special pentru că oferă o priveliște extraordinară de la înălțime. Deși experiența de la Zlatibor este întotdeauna specială, indiferent dacă escaladați muntele pe poteci, pe schiuri sau vizitați așezările rurale, atunci când lua...
Zlatiborba érkezve felejthetetlen élmény várja: Szerbia egyik legkedveltebb turisztikai célpontját csodálhatja meg, méghozzá a világ leghosszabb panoráma felvonójából. A felvonó egyedi élményt nyújt, hiszen felülről nagyszerű kilátás nyílik a környékre. Bár Zlatibor mindig különleges élménynek szá...
Όταν έρθετε στο Ζλάτιμπορ, σας περιμένει μια αξέχαστη εμπειρία: θα δείτε έναν από τους πιο δημοφιλείς &t...
Ако искате да замените градския шум с чуруликането на птички, вместо будилник сутрин да ви буди петел, а свежестта на селската среда да ви даде сили за нови начинания, изборът ви трябва да е някое от многобройните селски имения в Сърбия. Гостоприемството на домакините се подразбира, но са налице и фините разлики в зависимост от това дали сте избрали село във Войводина, Шумадия или в южна Сърбия. На север ще бъдете очаровани от салашите, известни с богата трапеза, но и бавното наслаждаване от х...
Αν θέλετε να αντικαταστήσετε τον θόρυβο της πόλης με το τραγούδι των πουλιών, να σας θυμίζει ότι ήρθ...
Ha szeretnéd a városi zajt madárcsicsergésre és az ébresztőórát kakaskukorékolásra cserélni, mindeközben a falusi környezet frissességében megfürdőzni és az újabb napi feladatokhoz feltöltődni, Szerbia számos vidéki birtokának egyike a tökéletes választás számodra. A háziasszonyok és házigazd&aacu...
Доколку сакате градската бучава да ја замените со птичји пој, наместо аларм наутро да ве буди петел, а свежината на селскиот амбиент да ве окрепува и да ви дава снага за новите обврски, вашиот избор треба да биде некое од бројните селски домаќинства во Србија. Гостопримливоста на домаќинките и домаќините се подразбира, но има и фини разлики во зависност дали сте избрале село во Војводина, Шумадија или, пак, некое село на југот на Србија. На север ќе ве воодушеват салашите, познати по богатата ...
Dacă doriți să înlocuiți zgomotul orașului cu cântecul păsărilor, dimineața să vă trezească cântatul cocoșului și nu sunetul ceasului deșteptător, prospețimea mediului rural să vă revigoreze și să vă dea putere pentru noi provocări, atunci cu siguranță trebuie să alegeți una dintre numeroasele gospodării rurale din Serbia. Ospitalitatea gospodinelor și a gazdelor este un lucru de la sine înțeles, dar există mici diferențe în funcție de locul pe care l-ați ales, un...
Če želite, da mestni hrup zamenja žvrgolenje ptic, da vas namesto budilke zjutraj prebudi petelin, da vas svežina kmečkega okolja okrepi in vam da moč za nove obveznosti, morate izbrati eno izmed številnih kmečkih domačij v Srbiji. Gostoljubnost domačinov je samoumevna, vendar obstajajo drobne razlike glede na to, ali izberete vasico v Vojvodini, Šumadiji ali na jugu Srbije. Na severu vas očarajo salaši, znani po izjemni gastronomiji, a tudi počasnem uživanju v hrani. V &S...
Smoked meat products fair or the popular “Pršutijada” is a commercial, but because it displays something characteristic for gastronomy of this region, it is also an ethnographic manifestation....
One of the biggest meeting industry trade shows is finished. In period 24 – 26 May Serbia Convention Bureau has coordinate presence of 12 co-exhibitors including congress center Sava Centar, hotels M Best Western Belgrade, Galleria Hotel Subotica, Hotel Mona Zlatibor, as well as DMC agencies Astakos, Bon Voyage, Business Travel Partner, EuroJet and Vekol DMC and media house The Best Solutions.Serbia team had more than 180 appointments made during the 3 day show, and it is noticed that quality of...
[slide id=8894]The National Tourism Organisation of Serbia held a traditional ceremony for the "Tourist Flower" Award on 27 September – the World Tourism Day. The prize is being awarded to organizations and individuals for improvement of the quality of services and promotion of Serbian tourism. It was the fourteenth time that the Award has been given, this year in 14 categories. Theme of this year's World Tourism Day is "Tourism and Biodiversity". National Tourism Organisation of Serbia earlier ...
[slide id=8894]The National Tourism Organisation of Serbia held a traditional ceremony for the "Tourist Flower" Award on 27 September – the World Tourism Day. The prize is being awarded to organizations and individuals for improvement of the quality of services and promotion of Serbian tourism. It was the fourteenth time that the Award has been given, this year in 14 categories. Theme of this year's World Tourism Day is "Tourism and Biodiversity". National Tourism Organisation of Serbia earlier ...
National Tourism Organisation of Serbia - NTOS will participate at the International Tourism Fair in Brussels from 3rd to 7 February 2011. NTOS will share a partnership at this event together with the Danube Competence Center - DCC.Comprehensive programme will present Serbia's offer and that of the DCC's member states: Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine).Serbia will present itself with the following programme:1 February - press conference at the Serbian Embassy in Brussels ...
National Tourism Organisation of Serbia - NTOS will participate at the International Tourism Fair in Brussels from 3rd to 7 February 2011. NTOS will share a partnership at this event together with the Danube Competence Center - DCC.Comprehensive programme will present Serbia's offer and that of the DCC's member states: Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine).Serbia will present itself with the following programme:1 February - press conference at the Serbian Embassy in Brussels ...
Serbia will be presenting its tourism offer at the World Travel Market in London, on November 5-8 2012.At the stand no EM 340, there will be representatives of NTO Serbia, Tourist Organisation of Belgrade, Tourist organisation of Vojvodina, Tourist Organisations of Niš and Subotica, Vojvodina Secretariat for Economy and incoming tour operators: Magelan Corporation, Panoramic Travel Serbia, Glob Metropoliten Tours, Kon Tiki Travel and Bon Voyage, Cluster Istar 21, and Zlatibor Hotels.The offer w...
[caption id="attachment_20529" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo: Đorđe Bošković[/caption]According to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia the total of 2,192.435 tourists have visited Serbia in 2013 (which is a 5% percent increase compared to 2012), enjoying 6,567.460 overnight stays (1% more than last year).The number of foreign tourists amounted to 921.768 (14% increase), with 1,988.393 overnight stays (11% increase compared to 2012) with majority of visitors coming from Bosni...
World Tourism Day (WTD) is celebrated every year on September 27 highlighting the social, cultural, and political values and the importance of tourism globally. WTD 2014 is being held under the theme Tourism and Community Development – focusing on the ability of tourism to empower people and provide them with skills to achieve change in their local communities.“Tourism is a people-based economic activity built on social interaction, and as such can only prosper if it engages the local populati...
Dear friends,Travel books and notes written by travellers clearly show the impressions gained from visiting Serbia. The abundance of written texts comprise observations of which we are especially proud, to name a few: Serbia is experienced as an unrevealed tourist gem, our hospitality is something that is always emphasized, big cities are described as exciting and bustling, landscapes of Serbia are breath-stopping, valuable cultural heritage reflects the mysterious East infused with a touch of t...