Србија је земља богата рекама и језерима, који не само да пружају идеалну прилику за одмор и рекреацију, већ су и савршено место за расхлађивање у врелим летњим данима.
Extolled in the famous composition by Johann Strauss, Jr. On the Beautiful Blue Danube, Europe’s most beautiful river, the Danube, has always been an inspiration to its visitors.
The river Drina has long been fascinating visitors with its beauty, incredible speed and unpredictability.
Whether you plan to visit Serbia for a couple of days or a couple of weeks, the river Sava is a must see.
The largest and highest artificial lake in Serbia lies more than 1,200 metres above sea level, on the spacious Vlasina plateau.
Not far from Belgrade, on the Danube, lies the Silver Lake – one of the most popular lakes in Serbia.
U podnožju planine Crni Vrh, na nadmorskoj visini od 438 metara smestilo se Borsko jezero.
In the north of Serbia, towards the border with Hungary, lies Lake Palić, a true jewel in the crown of the country’s recreational, cultural and spa tourism.
Originally created to meet the demand of the burgeoning gravel industry in the early 20th Century, Bela Crkva lakes soon became a landmark in their own right, attracting visitors with their clear water, spacious and well-