Situated in the three-border area where Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria meet, in the easternmost part of the country, Negotin is a small city of extravagant beauty and immense historical importance.
It is known for its winemaking tradition of more than seven centuries, which is still cherished both in the city itself and in its neighbouring villages.

The diverse cultural heritage of this region dates all the way to the Neolithic period.
In addition to its splendid nature, the vicinity of the rivers Danube and Timok and mountains Deli Jovan and Miroč, another distinctive feature of Negotin is its unusual climate. It enjoys extremely hot summers and cold winters, which makes the area pleasant to live in and ideal for growing fruits and vegetables, including grapes, of course.
Discover the unique the Museum of Negotin, which boasts a collection of more than 15,000 items, distributed between several buildings: the Archaeological Museum, the birth house of Stevan Mokranjac and the Museum of Hajduk Veljko.

Negotinska Krajina (Negotin border region) is one of the 22 wine regions of Serbia. The viticulture and winemaking tradition of this region, which can be traced back to ancient Romans, has continued to this day.

Tourist Organization of Negotin
Kraljevića Marka 6
19300 Negotin