Bačko Podunavlje
There are many reasons why Bačko Podunavlje was chosen for this programme: it boasts rare natural habitats and has a great diversity of plant and animal species and a rich cultural heritage cherished by the people of this region.
You will reach Bačko Podunavlje if you enter Serbia from the North, where the Danube marks the natural border between Serbia and the neighbouring countries of Croatia and Hungary. “The Serbian Amazon”, as this area is sometimes called, was created in ancient times by the “mischievous” Danube, which had no natural obstacles to prevent it from occasionally overflowing its banks and flooding meadows and forests in its way.

The central feature of the Golija-Studenica Biosphere reserve is Golija, one of the most densely forested mountains in Serbia, home to many bird and mammal species. Studenica monastery, one of the most exquisite examples of Serbian mediaeval architecture, lies within the boundaries of this reserve.
In contrast to the northern plains, Southwestern Serbia is a tamer region, with Golija mountain, rich in diverse plant and animal life, standing as its landmark. As you walk across the mountain, you will be able to touch a remarkable natural monument – the Mountain Maple, which has survived the last Ice Age. These two widely different areas provide unique opportunities for enjoying pristine nature.
Info: Nature park “Golija”