Tradition in focus

A dining table in Kosovo and Metohija is not complete without the famous Kosovo bread, called ‘česnica’, which is said to have a special ingredient – soul particles of the housewife who kneads it. In order to present this speciality, as well as the entire local gastronomy, as a tourist product, the Tourist Organization of Gracanica is organizing free training for improving culinary skills.

Reputable caterers will share their knowledge in order to preserve and present autochthonous recipes from this area to future guests. Although the recipes are passed from generation to generation, this will be an opportunity for housewives to add a new note in the way they prepare old dishes.

A quality flavoursome bite – a bite that remembers history, evokes the pride of the locals, is an important part of the offer of every destination. The hosts believe that this area‘s flavours have an additional value – a turbulent history that is woven into gastronomy. And precisely because of that, that part of the tourist offer needs to be further improved.

Dozens of students will have the opportunity to do so. Unique theoretical and then practical classes in the restaurant begin this month. The training will last for three months, and after that, the traditional stuffed peppers, podvarak (sour cabbage with meat), filija, barenica or prepeć (traditional pies) will be on the menu and we will be able to check whether these dishes taste the same or better.

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