A direct flight for easier travel
The tourist year was marked by two pieces of news from Turkey. Increased number of guests from that country and a new airline connecting Ankara and Belgrade. The first flight of the company AnadoluJet is expected on December 23, and in addition to linking the two capitals, this line should connect the people and economies of the two countries. Fully booked planes will be provided by tour operators from the Anatolian region who met with Serbian travel agencies. In anticipation of the new line, they paid a study visit to Belgrade.
Belgrade, Sremski Karlovci, The Danube, Novi Sad, Novi Pazar – these are unavoidable places on the map drawn by the Turkish guests. And this year there were twice as many as the previous one. With almost 150.000 overnight stays in the first nine months, they occupy a high second place, just behind the neighbours from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The data also shows that they keep on prolonging their stay in Serbia in order to get to visit their favorite destinations and festivals, try local specialties. With the introduction of the new airline, more than ten million new visitors now get the opportunity to see the beauties and hospitality of Serbia.
Those who have not yet managed to visit our country could sense a part of the rich offer on social networks, in the Turkish media and at various fairs where Serbia is regularly represented. New guests from Turkey will soon be able to experience Serbia up close, not just from the pictures.