About us

TOS Bodies

The managing and steering bodies of the TOS are as follows:

  1. Managing Board
  2. Steering Committee
  3. Director

The Tourism Organisation of Serbia (TOS) was formed under the Law on Tourism of 1994 as the institution in charge of promoting Serbian tourism in domestic and foreign markets, as well as performing other duties relevant for the development of communication and advertising activities in Serbian tourism. The activities of TOS are focused on positioning Serbia’s tourism products in domestic and foreign markets and exploring Serbia’s comparative advantages in terms of tourism, including its geostrategic position and its historical, cultural and natural identity.
In addition to its international efforts, the TOS collaborates with the tourism organisations of regions, cities and municipalities to improve Serbia’s tourism offering, foster positive public perception of Serbia’s tourism and bring about a shift towards domestic tourist destinations. This lays the foundation for tourism to emerge as a prioritised industry with a potential for development and for industries associated with tourism to become drivers of stable, sustainable growth and development. Promotional activities aim to position the tourism industry as the leading promoter of Serbia’s international image as a modern and desirable holiday destination, ensuring constant innovation in the implementation of new standards and technologies and preservation of nature.
The TOS keeps abreast of modern trends in promotional activities and uses new communication and promotional tools using e-marketing technology, thus increasing the effectiveness of its marketing efforts. In its future activities, the TOS will continue to strive to improve the promotional mix by implementing new communication and promotional tools used in online marketing, mobile applications and content sharing platforms.
The TOS takes part in all major international tourism fairs and events to ensure implementation of communication and advertising activities, to increase knowledge of Serbia’s tourism offering as part of the popular European tourist routes and to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism development.  The TOS cooperates with other national tourism organisations and numerous international, regional and professional tourism associations. The TOS is a member of the following international organisations: the European Travel Commission (ETC), the Danube Tourist Commission (DTC), the Danube Competence Centre (DCC), International Association “Transromanica”, the International Coach Tourism Federation (RDA) and the ICCA.

Sources of Funding

In accordance with Article 32 of the Law on Tourism, funding for the work of the TOS is provided from:

  1. Revenue generated from business operations and other own-source revenue
  2. Donations, contributions and sponsorship by domestic and foreign legal and natural persons
  3. The national budget of the Republic of Serbia
  4. Other sources in accordance with the law

Pursuant to a decision of the Managing Board of TOS, the Information Officer within the meaning of Article 38 of the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance is Senka Vukićević, Assistant Director of the Corporate Support Department at the Tourism Organisation of Serbia.


  • Director: Marija Labović, Acting Director
  • Assistant Director, Corporate Support Department: Senka Vukićević
  • Assistant Director, Internal Support Department: Vesna Zlatić


  • Chairperson:Ratka Vušurović, PhD
  • Members: Ivan Cvetanović,Petar Stefoski,Aleksandra Urošević,Biljana Kostić


  • Chairperson: Slaviša Obradović
  • Members: Milica Karakaš, Vladimir Nikolić

The TOS has its head office in Belgrade, Čika Ljubina 8.

The TOS has legal personality, operates in accordance with the regulations governing public services and is registered with the register maintained by the Commercial Court.

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