Before packing the suitcases for a spring break, and before the sand and sea spice up another vacation – you need an ideal travel arrangement. There is no better place and opportunity to find it than the upcoming 44th Belgrade International Tourism Fair.
From 23 to 26 February, at a well-known location, a variety of domestic and foreign destinations and fair discounts will be offered. Authentic accommodation, an airline ticket or a destination that previously seemed inaccessible will become available at reasonable prices.
Those who plan to spend their vacation in Serbia will be pleased with the rich offer presented by the National Tourism Organization of Serbia. We will conjure up smells and tastes with gastronomic specialties, quicken the pulse with numerous destinations for adventurers, invite you to sail from Vojvodina to Golupac on waves of the Danube. Numerous towns and spas will be on the must-visit list.
The stands of the countries that Serbian citizens traditionally choose for extended weekend getaways or vacations also count on a visit. Distant, world-famous destinations will also be presented at the Fair, hoping to make new acquaintances.
More than 300 exhibitors from Serbia and the world are waiting for you at the end of February at the Belgrade Fair. It will also be an opportunity for new business meetings and presenting Serbia’s tourist offer to both local and foreign visitors.
Belgrade International Tourism Fair will give good hints on tourism trends for this year. Welcome to the Fair, be trendy!