Imagine a conversation about the weather, hunting, and family with a man who originates from Lepenski Vir and is – 10,000 years old.
– Animacija „Metahuman“, promo video (IN Medija – YouTube)
That is exactly what you can do at this archaeological site next month since this is where prehistoric man will – come to life.
Our understanding of history mostly comes from various artifacts but what if you could learn about olden times directly from its inhabitants? In addition, they answer your question while frowning or smiling like any other human.
That was the idea that inspired a team of scientists led by Sofija Stefanović to create a MetaHuman they called Shaman. With a help of gaming technology and all the expertise in analyzing bones from Lepenski Vir, they made this descendent of the great Stone Age European civilization – talk as tough being alive.
They say that members of the oldest civilization of Europe were tall with wide faces and robust build. We’ll meet one of them soon.